Symbolizing FeatureQuery

David Stajan dls at INFORMGIS.COM
Thu Jun 30 13:40:28 EDT 2005

Hi Group,

I'm tying to perform theme on theme selections using the cgi featurequery
mode.  For example I have a polygon layer and a line layer, and I want to
select all the lines that fall within a selected polygon.  The
featurequery mode works, however I was wondering if there is a way to
symbolize the selected polygon differently from the selected lines in the
query map.  Right now I get all the selected features (polygon and lines)
symbolized in the same color.  Even better would be if its possible to
perform this type of query and only have the selected lines returned and
not include the polygon the the query results.  Is this possible with
mapserver cgi or can I get this kind of result using some other kind of



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