Symbolizing FeatureQuery

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 30 20:12:15 PDT 2005

David Stajan <dls <at> INFORMGIS.COM> writes:

> Hi Group,
> I'm tying to perform theme on theme selections using the cgi featurequery
> mode.  For example I have a polygon layer and a line layer, and I want to
> select all the lines that fall within a selected polygon.  The
> featurequery mode works, however I was wondering if there is a way to
> symbolize the selected polygon differently from the selected lines in the
> query map.  Right now I get all the selected features (polygon and lines)
> symbolized in the same color.  Even better would be if its possible to
> perform this type of query and only have the selected lines returned and
> not include the polygon the the query results.  Is this possible with
> mapserver cgi or can I get this kind of result using some other kind of
> method?

I have not done exactly what you are trying to do, but I have done something
similar enough so that I am confident that it can be done easily in CGI mode. 

The lines and polygons are in separate shape files (or PostGIS tables) but are
symbolized in 2 different layers in the map file; one layer for general display
and a 2nd layer with a filter to hi-light query results.

Pusedo code:
1. general polygon display (shows all the polygons, all the time)
      class w/ symbol for regular display of all features
2. general line display 
      class w/ symbol for regular display of all features
3. line results (hi-lights selected lines )
      status default (so it's always displayed)
      filter %result% (so only query results are displayed

I know that's a pretty general answer, but your question is pretty general, too.
If my response doesn't make sense , follow up with more specifics.


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