A confused Network Admin

Mike Davis mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 2 13:38:29 PST 2005

I must second Ed's comment.  Our shop uses both ESRI products and
Mapserver every day.  When a problem arises with our ESRI software,
more often than not, the solution is found somewhere in the user
forums.  Despite regular tithing to keep our licenses current, actual
technical support hasn't been very great.

When a mapserver issue pops up, I have found many answers by doing a
quick google of the problem.  In the couple of instances where that
didn't work, a quick e-mail to the list has solicited numerous
intelligent responses... often including comments from the coder
responsible for implementing the feature in question.

The community method of support may make it more difficult to pass the
buck, but I have rarely found an issue I couldn't resolve in less than
a day.

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