March 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Mar 1 01:03:48 PST 2005
Ending: Thu Mar 31 23:23:16 PST 2005
Messages: 892
- WFS - Query of selected properties
Nilsson Bengt
- changing the symbol
- how remove inline feature layer?
Daniele Rizzo
- WFS - Query of selected properties
Bart van den Eijnden
- changing the symbol
Bart van den Eijnden
- WMS time support with a database
Marco Marsella
- WMS time support with a database
uli mueller [geOps]
- OT: Why isn't PHP in Interactive Web Mapping
Arnulf B. Christl
- Java MapScript issues Servlet
Mario H. Basa
- how remove inline feature layer?
Sean Gillies
- Java MapScript issues Servlet
Sean Gillies
- Read DWG Files
Irene Pérez
- WMS TIME conflict with FILTER
Yewondwossen Assefa
- file system growing with open files
Agneta Schick
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- Read DWG Files
Frank Warmerdam
- Java MapScript issues Servlet
Sean Gillies
- A confused Network Admin
Ed McNierney
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- Problem with Mapserver 4.4.1 compiled with Visual Studio .NET
Brent Fraser
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] A confused Network Admin
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] A confused Network Admin
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] A confused Network Admin
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] A confused Network Admin
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- PHP MapScript documentation
Rhys Ickeringill
- PHP MapScript documentation
Ruslan Nuryadin
- Help on tiger, again.
Herman Teo
- Help on tiger, again.
Stephen Woodbridge
- Shapefile vs Postgres/Postgis
Hiten Ravani
- Help on tiger, again.
Hermawan Sutantio
- Shapefile vs Postgres/Postgis
Bart van den Eijnden
- get part of very large raster
Ivan Mjartan
- get part of very large raster
Bart van den Eijnden
- PHP MapScript documentation
Olivier Gayte
- OT: Why isn't PHP in Interactive Web Mapp ing
Paul Hastings
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] A confused Network Admin
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- A confused Network Admin
Jeff Portwine
- A confused Network Admin
William Bronsema
- Help on tiger, again.
Stephen Woodbridge
- A confused Network Admin
Paul Spencer
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- WMS time support with DB (not solved yet)
Marco Marsella
- get part of very large raster
Frank Warmerdam
- Java MapScript issues Servlet
Miller Joseph
- A confused Network Admin
Paul Spencer
- Unable to open file...saveWebImage
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- Unable to open file...saveWebImage
Ben Madin
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Paul Spencer
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Ed McNierney
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Marco Marsella
- Map Extent
S.Nicolas - Webmaster
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- AVL Template for evaluation
Jason Webb
- A confused Network Admin
Dylan Keon
- A confused Network Admin
Daniel Morissette
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Paul Spencer
- A confused Network Admin
Gerry Creager n5jxs
- UnsatisfiedLinkError while doing "make test" on OS X
Rick Innis
- Help on tiger, again.
Hermawan Sutantio
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- UnsatisfiedLinkError while doing "make test" on OS X - SOLVED
Rick Innis
- A confused Network Admin
Ed McNierney
- A confused Network Admin
Paul Spencer
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Gerry Creager n5jxs
- netCDF.. in mapserver -how to?
- netCDF.. in mapserver -how to?
Frank Warmerdam
- A confused Network Admin
Ed McNierney
- A confused Network Admin
Mike Davis
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Ed McNierney
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- legend icons and transparency alpha for pixmap
Ken Lord
- legend icons and transparency alpha for pixmap
Sean Gillies
- Annotation trouble within mapscript
Jean-Denis Giguere
- legend icons and transparency alpha for pixmap
Ken Lord
- legend icons and transparency alpha for pixmap
Sean Gillies
- A confused Network Admin
Rick Levine
- Annotation trouble within mapscript
Sean Gillies
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- A confused Network Admin
Lisi, Christine
- Image caching problem when using unique user IDs to generate image filenames
David Ratcliffe
- SIMPLE (I HOPE) Problems with Tiff images
- SIMPLE (I HOPE) Problems with Tiff images
Frank Warmerdam
- classifying with an external datasource
- A confused Network Admin
Marco Marsella
- A confused Network Admin
Jacob Delfos
- odd problem
Ross Elliott
- Mapserver 4.2 crash when using SRS key in the request
Piero Cavalieri
- Mapserver 4.2 crash when using SRS key in the request
Bart van den Eijnden
- Map Extent
S.Nicolas - Webmaster
- Map Extent
Bart van den Eijnden
- Map Extent
S.Nicolas - Webmaster
- How to georeference an image?
Bart van den Eijnden
- How to georeference an image?
S.Nicolas - Webmaster
- Mapserver 4.2 crash when using SRS key in the request]
Piero Cavalieri
- SIZEUNITS in Perl Mapscript
Agneta Schick
- PHP Mapscript bundled dlls VS Stand Alone Mapserver dlls
Piero Cavalieri
- PHP Mapscript bundled dlls VS Stand Alone Mapserver dlls
Bart van den Eijnden
- Anyone successfully installing MapServer to Fedora 3 Linux?
Jack Ling
- Anyone successfully installing MapServer to Fedora 3 Linux?
Jeff McKenna
- PHP & Map Script
- Image caching problem when using unique user IDs to generate image filenames
Jeff Portwine
- OT - Global Flyer Tracker
David Fawcett
- [MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] Anyone sucessfully installing mapServer to Fedora 3
Donnie Marino
- odd problem
Ethan Alpert
- PHP & Map Script
Schuyler Erle
- PHP & Map Script
Lester Caine
- addFeature and queryByPoint in PHP mapscript
Ken Sanderson
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Mark Leslie
- FILTER for value with apostrophe
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Dylan Keon
- FILTER for value with apostrophe
Jeff Portwine
- addFeature and queryByPoint in PHP mapscript
Camden Daily
- All Tiger data for download?
Camden Daily
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Mark Leslie
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Bart van den Eijnden
- All Tiger data for download?
Prashanth Ram
- All Tiger data for download?
Jeff Hoffmann
- function open layer MyGis query
Daniel Lagos
- All Tiger data for download?
Jeff Portwine
- All Tiger data for download?
Steve Wormley
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Mark Leslie
- php-mapscript: abnormal death
Dylan Keon
- All Tiger data for download?
Frank Warmerdam
- FILTER for value with apostrophe
- adding a layer programmatically with PHP
Keith Boyle
- All Tiger data for download?
Gregor Mosheh
- All Tiger data for download?
Jeff Hoffmann
- All Tiger data for download?
Ian Erickson
- All Tiger data for download?
Stephen Woodbridge
- adding a layer programmatically with PHP
Kristjan Annus
- msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): Function not implemented yet
- msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): Function not implemented yet
Bart van den Eijnden
- msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): Function not implemented yet
Fernando S.
- problem upgrade php-mapscript 4.0 to 4.1.1 $layer->open MyGis
Daniel Lagos
- All Tiger data for download?
Schuyler Erle
- c# + mapscript...
Sean Gillies
- All Tiger data for download?
Camden Daily
- All Tiger data for download?
Frank Warmerdam
- PHP & Map Script
Lester Caine
- All Tiger data for download?
Jeff Hoffmann
- All Tiger data for download?
Schuyler Erle
- finding shortest path between two points
- finding shortest path between two points
Stephen Woodbridge
- finding shortest path between two points
Schuyler Erle
- All Tiger data for download?
Camden Daily
- All Tiger data for download?
Schuyler Erle
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
Poopalasingham Elankeswaran
- finding shortest path between two points
Stephen Woodbridge
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
Stephen Woodbridge
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
Chris Andrews
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
David Bitner
- using php_proj to convert data
fx gamoy
- using php_proj to convert data
Bart van den Eijnden
- using labelmaxscale with phpmapscript
Ken Sanderson
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
David Bitner
- php-mapscript/postgis with MDA
Shashi Gireddy
- Map file in browse mode and Content-type: text/html msReturnPage(): error
Afifa Naz
- Display Tfields with Php/MapScript
Eduin Carrillo
- finding shortest path between two points
Mike Juvrud
- finding shortest path between two points
Mike Juvrud
- Guides to newbie please.
Jack Ling
- Guides to newbie please.
Gregor Mosheh
- Guides to newbie please.
Jeff McKenna
- using php_proj to convert data
fx gamoy
- Help installing Windows binaries
Jack Ling
- Help installing Windows binaries
Bart van den Eijnden
- Help installing Windows binaries
Jack Ling
- New project with mapserver for content management integration
Holger Zebner
- Figure out the XY position on the resulting map of a point
- Figure out the XY position on the resulting map of a point
Paul Spencer
- does gdaladdo need tiled image
joerg pfeiffer
- Python mapscript legend
Jon Saints
- WMS Access Control
Tom Bartlett
- WMS Access Control
Ed McNierney
- Python mapscript legend
Sean Gillies
- Help installing Windows binaries
Ken Lord
- OGR and GetFeatureInfo with ODBC
Gunter Becker
- OGR-join problem with DBF files
Rainer Spittel
- OGR-join problem with DBF files
Frank Warmerdam
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
David Bitner
- OGR-join problem with DBF files
Rainer Spittel
- Fwd: OGR-join problem with DBF files
Frank Warmerdam
- Open Source Geocoding Engine
Stephen Woodbridge
- does gdaladdo need tiled image
Frank Warmerdam
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
Geoff Rowland
- Reference map and Scalebar make windows crash
Roger Boily
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
Geoff Rowland
- using labelmaxscale with phpmapscript
Ken Sanderson
- Question about showing a location in mapserver by longitude/latitude
Karl Lehenbauer
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
Eric Bridger
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
- raster colour
Daniele Scarselli
- Figure out the XY position on the resulting map of a point
James Martin
- Can someone help
padmapriya balachandran
- How to creat a shape file from postgresql table
Paul Spencer
- PHPMapScript : pixels to geo problem using dynamic symbols
Geoff Rowland
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 5 Mar 2005 to 6 Mar 2005 (#2005-67)
Hugh Graham
- Question about showing a location in mapserver by longitude/latitude
Karl Lehenbauer
- Question about showing a location in mapserver by longitude/latitude
Frank Warmerdam
- How to create shape file from postgresql
Afifa Naz
- How to creat a shape file from postgresql table
Afifa Naz
- How to create shape file from postgresql
Gregor Mosheh
- How to create shape file from postgresql
Randy James
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Jon Saints
- Place to post python examples
Jon Saints
- Figure out the XY position on the resulting map of a point
Jeff Portwine
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
Björn Platzen
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
Eric Bridger
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Eric Bridger
- Place to post python examples
Sean Gillies
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
Björn Platzen
- No subject
Shaq Gbadebo
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
Eric Bridger
- WFS: multipolygons in GML while DescribeFeatureType says polygonProperty
Bart van den Eijnden
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
Björn Platzen
- Labels are not displayed in 4.4.1
- styles with umms wms and grid keyword
Nuno GIL
- styles with umms wms and grid keyword
Bart van den Eijnden
- PERL - Geo::Shapelib help
- Call for Volunteers - New MapServer Website
Steve Lime
- Can someone help
Bob Bruce
- Help with building python mapscript
Allan Hollander
- Help with building python mapscript
Jon Saints
- Help with building python mapscript
Sean Gillies
- PERL - Geo::Shapelib help
Stephen Woodbridge
- Call for Volunteers - New MapServer Website
Arnulf Christl
- .map and .tab files
Jose Luis Gonzalez
- Error message after uprade to MS 4.4.1
Berend Veldkamp
- Error message after uprade to MS 4.4.1
Bart van den Eijnden
- Error message after uprade to MS 4.4.1
Berend Veldkamp
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Jon Saints
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Sean Gillies
- .map and .tab files
Brent Fraser
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- Javascript Woes
David Bitner
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Jon Saints
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- LabelAngleItem question
Eric Bridger
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- Javascript Woes
Oliver Wesp
- Python Mapscript QueryByPoint
Eric Bridger
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- Javascript Woes
David Bitner
- Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) Presentation
Mark Rodrigo
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- get a selected point ...
Paul james
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- Odd mapserv CGI problem
Avi A Blackmore
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
Joseph Bussell
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- Odd mapserv CGI problem
Ken Lord
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- Odd mapserv CGI problem
Steven Monai
- Javascript Woes
David Bitner
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Ken Lord
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- pgsql2shp command...need help
w m
- pgsql2shp command...need help
Paul Spencer
- Help with building python mapscript
Allan Hollander
- TCLUG Speaking Engagement
Ben Jordan
- pgsql2shp command...need help
w m
- compile error Gdal on .net SDK - iostream not found
Jacob Delfos
- dynamic symbol name
Hiten Ravani
- compile error Gdal on .net SDK - iostream not found
Jacob Delfos
- Errorlog/errormessages? (problem is drawReferenceMap)
Ragnvald Larsen
- adding a layer programmatically with PHP
Ragnvald Larsen
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Errorlog/errormessages? (problem is drawReferenceMap)
Frank Broniewski
- Errorlog/errormessages? (problem is drawReferenceMap)
Ragnvald Larsen
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Stefan Schwarzer
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Roger Boily
- inline feature
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- inline feature
Bart van den Eijnden
- pgsql2shp command...need help
Paul Spencer
- MouseOver & Coordinates
- QueryByPoint problem
Stéphane RIFF
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Martin Weinelt
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Stefan Schwarzer
- Next test...
Arnulf Christl
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Martin Weinelt
- inline feature
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- QueryByPoint problem
Stéphane RIFF
- LabelAngleItem question
Eric Bridger
- QueryByPoint problem
Eric Bridger
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Stefan Schwarzer
- inline feature
Stephen Woodbridge
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Stefan Schwarzer
- LabelAngleItem question
Eric Bridger
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
- Projection
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- Next test...
Lisi, Christine
- Projection
Frank Warmerdam
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
Norman Vine
- MouseOver & Coordinates
Martin Weinelt
- php mapscript + .map file question (color specific country)
Geoff Rowland
- Multiple Versions Issue
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
- Multiple Versions Issue
Emil Zegers
- Help with building python mapscript
Sean Gillies
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Multiple Versions Issue
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- Multiple Versions Issue
Ken Lord
- Multiple Versions Issue
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
Joseph Bussell
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
Joseph Bussell
- - determining if great circle segments intersect
Norman Vine
- Rubber-Band Box Zooming
Camden Daily
- Multiple Versions Issue
Lisi, Christine
- Rubber-Band Box Zooming
Schuyler Erle
- Rubber-Band Box Zooming
Camden Daily
- php mapscript + .map file question (color specific country)
Geoff Rowland
- Rubber-Band Box Zooming
Dylan Keon
- Rubber-Band Box Zooming
David Bitner
- Projection
Rhys Ickeringill
- label in symbol?
William K
- label in symbol?
- compile error Gdal on .net SDK - iostream not found
Jacob Delfos
- overriding embedded mrsid projection
Jacob Delfos
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Stephen Woodbridge
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Jacob Delfos
- one layer doesn't show up???
w m
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- size of POINT in shp file
w m
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Jacob Delfos
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- layer type circle
Nicol Hermann
- layer type circle
Bart van den Eijnden
- Compiling in PHP MapScript causes segfault in mapfile.c
Schuyler Erle
- layer type circle
Nicol Hermann
- LabelAngleItem question
Eric Bridger
- LabelAngleItem question
Stéphane RIFF
- LabelAngleItem question
Stephen Woodbridge
- size of POINT in shp file
Camden Daily
- WMS TIME Client Support
Eamonn O Tuama
- label in symbol?
William K
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Brent Fraser
- MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer 4.4.1 Demo
Lisi, Christine
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
- Problems with mime type in WMS capabilities request
Nuno GIL
- label in symbol?
William K
- Problems with mime type in WMS capabilities request
Bart van den Eijnden
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Path Graph representation in memory
- label in symbol?
- Problems with mime type in WMS capabilities request
Nuno GIL
- MapScript queryByPoint index error
Jerod Clabaugh
- Mapserver Newby requests help
Jason Husveth
- Problems with mime type in WMS capabilities request
Bart van den Eijnden
- Mapserver Newby requests help
David Bitner
- labeling of polygons, PARTIALS and FORCE
Kyle Cronan
- size of POINT in shp file
w m
- size of POINT in shp file
Eric Bridger
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Steve Lime
- rpms for RHES
Toomas Aas
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Bruce Raup
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Newbie stucked - no maps at all.
Rodrigo Severo
- Vector data smoothing and palettes
Dan Taylor
- Vector data smoothing and palettes
Ed McNierney
- Vector data smoothing and palettes
Frank Warmerdam
- Controlling mapsize in CGI
Richard A. Milewski
- Help setting up MapScript
- Mapserver Usage
Giridhar Manepalli
- rpms for RHES
Mario H. Basa
- Mapserver Usage
Bart van den Eijnden
- Help setting up MapScript
Rodrigo Severo
- No subject
w m
James Cradock
- CONNECTION to database
w m
- CONNECTION to database
Paul Ramsey
- CONNECTION to database
Stephen Woodbridge
- GDAL/OGR 1.2.6 Released
Frank Warmerdam
- epsg:26591 ?
Daniele Rizzo
Bart van den Eijnden
- inline feature
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- Raster Layers
James Cradock
- Raster Layers
Ed McNierney
- label in symbol?
Fawcett, David
- CONNECTION to database
Fawcett, David
- WFS layer projection problem
Martin Weinelt
- inline feature
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- WFS layer projection problem
Frank Warmerdam
- inline feature
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS layer projection problem
Martin Weinelt
- inline feature
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- refresh
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- refresh
Ken Lord
- Problems with mime type in WMS capabilities request
Jean-Guilhem Cailton
- PHP/MapScript preventing proper working of MapServer (was: Newbie stucked - no maps at all.)
Rodrigo Severo
- refresh
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Mapserver and SDE, one trivial question, one informational question
Farber, Saul (ENV)
- Mapserver and SDE, one trivial question, one informational question
Paul Ramsey
- gdaltindex in DOS
Yar Doroshenko
- gdaltindex in DOS
Ethan Alpert
- Mapserver and SDE, one trivial question, one informational question
Howard Butler
- Mapserver and SDE, one trivial question, one informationalquestion
Farber, Saul (ENV)
- gdaltindex in DOS
Yar Doroshenko
- gdaltindex in DOS
Ethan Alpert
- TILE4MS syntax needed for DOS
Yar Doroshenko
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jsp environment?
- TILE4MS syntax needed for DOS
Ed McNierney
- problems with tileindex...
Mark Dieterich
- Mapserver 4.4.1 with postgis 1rc3
Steven Bowden
- Mapserver 4.4.1 with postgis 1rc3
Paul Ramsey
- MapScript and GeoTiff output
Armin Burger
- MapScript and GeoTiff output
Frank Warmerdam
- Tutorial Example1-9
Lawal Olanrewaju
- MapScript and GeoTiff output
Armin Burger
- Raster Layers
James Cradock
- SDE on SQL Server
Bill TenBroeck
- image generation help please
Carl Burn
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jsp environment?
Umberto Nicoletti
- refresh
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- SDE on SQL Server
Howard Butler
- libcurl error on compile Debian Sarge
Jon Saints
- refresh
- different layer units
Kristjan Annus
- When will a new binary be available?
- SDE on SQL Server
Howard Butler
- WFS filter query
N Zhou
- refresh
- WFS filter query
Bart van den Eijnden
- SDE on SQL Server
Bill TenBroeck
- PhP Mapscript
Dan Barron
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Stephen Woodbridge
- WFS filter query
N Zhou
- WFS filter query
Bart van den Eijnden
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Bart van den Eijnden
- Tutorial Example1-9
Ken Lord
- different layer units
Ken Lord
- When will a new binary be available?
Ken Lord
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Erv McNally
- upside down labels
John Hagstrand
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Rishi Mehra
- libcurl error on compile Debian Sarge
Jon Saints
- upside down labels
Ryan, Adam
- convert .pdf to .shp
w m
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Bart van den Eijnden
- convert .pdf to .shp
Brent Fraser
- Intallation issue
K.J. L
- Intallation issue
Ken Lord
- Intallation issue
- test Mapserver
Ioan Ferencik
- python mapscript comparing zoomPoint and queryByPoint
Jon Saints
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- Mark center of map?
Fawcett, David
- Mark center of map?
Jeff Hoffmann
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Bruce Raup
- two layers different projections
Jon Saints
- seemingly simple question
Richard Taylor
- seemingly simple question
Stephen Woodbridge
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jsp environment?
- two layers different projections
Jon Saints
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jsp environment?
Umberto Nicoletti
- refresh
Constantin Cristian
- Mapserver and ECW SDK license
Bart van den Eijnden
- Problems getting MapServer Demo to work
Gail Millin
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
Umberto Nicoletti
- how to use java mapscript intomcat4/jspenvironment?
- HELP - NQuery CGI call fails on ONE server
James Perrins
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Rodrigo Severo
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Laurent Jégou
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
- Mapserver and ECW SDK license
Gregor Mosheh
- two layers different projections
Jeff McKenna
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
Ethan Alpert
- Problem Resolved about installing 4.4.1 demo
Gail Millin
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems getting MapServer Demo to work
Ken Lord
- Mapserver 4.4.1 with postgis 1rc3
Eduin Carrillo
- adding a layer programmatically with PHP
Keith Boyle
- scale buckets programatically
Shantha, Raghavendra Vasanth
- Mapserver and ECW SDK license
Steve Lime
- scale buckets programatically
Frank Warmerdam
- Mapserver and ECW SDK license
Gregor Mosheh
- Follow Up Installation Issue
K.J. L
- Follow Up Installation Issue
Ken Lord
- Mapserver/PostGIS performance
Rhys Ickeringill
- scalebar units
Stéphane RIFF
- Controlling classitems through PHP? (Tanzanian protected areas)
- How can I allow/deny a layer if I browse the map from Intranet/Internet?
Daniele Margotti
- refresh
Dirk-Jan Huisman
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Rodrigo Severo
- in memory of Sol Katz
Schuyler Erle
- Controlling classitems through PHP? (Tanzanian protected areas)
Kristjan Annus
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- Follow Up Installation Issue-1
cryptic acrophobiac
- in memory of Sol Katz
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- in memory of Sol Katz
Frank Warmerdam
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Stephen Woodbridge
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- RES: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scalebar units
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Schuyler Erle
- How can I allow/deny a layer if I browse the map from Intranet/Internet?
Camden Daily
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Flavio Hendry
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Camden Daily
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Ed McNierney
- puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()
Camden Daily
- defining WFS Geometry/spatial column
N Zhou
- defining WFS Geometry/spatial column
Bart van den Eijnden
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Tinmean K. H. Liu
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Camden Daily
- Mapserver Install/Configuration Problems
Chris Dimeo
- [FWTools] Mapserver Install/Configuration Problems
Chris Dimeo
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- Mark center of map?
David Bitner
- [FWTools] Mapserver Install/Configuration Problems
Frank Warmerdam
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- upside down labels
Andy Canfield
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Arnulf Christl
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Stephen Woodbridge
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites
Ed McNierney
- upside down labels
Stephen Woodbridge
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- upside down labels
Kristjan Annus
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Stephen Woodbridge
- Tiger Shapefile tiling problem
Jeff Portwine
- one more tiger question - semi OT
Jeff Portwine
- one more tiger question - semi OT
Camden Daily
- one more tiger question - semi OT
Jeff Hoffmann
- Application Data
Giridhar Manepalli
- Application Data
Frank Warmerdam
- Application Data
Ethan Alpert
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- empty template variables
Chad Ringenberg
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- Mark center of map?
- Mark center of map?
Ryan, Adam
- Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Application Data
Giridhar Manepalli
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
- how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jspenvironment?
- Mark center of map?
Richard A. Milewski
- Application Data
Brent Wood
- Application Data
Stephen Woodbridge
- in memory of Sol Katz
Craig Miller
- Controlling classitems through PHP? (Tanzanian protected areas)
Ragnvald Larsen
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Mario H. Basa
- MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 16 Mar 2005 to 17 Mar 2005(#2005-80) (out of office)
Megan Watson
- Highlighting features on mouse over
Gambin Dejan
- Controlling classitems through PHP? (Tanzanian protected areas)
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Tinmean K. H. Liu
- REsize window question
Stéphane RIFF
- Controlling classitems through PHP? (Tanzanian protected areas)
Kristjan Annus
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Tinmean K. H. Liu
- Is it possible : Change color on database field
Stéphane RIFF
- Symbol question
Stéphane RIFF
- link MapServer as client to ArcIMS
Stefanie Weykam
- link MapServer as client to ArcIMS
Bart van den Eijnden
- Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Application Data
James Cradock
- Application Data
Arnulf Christl
- Highlighting features on mouse over
Arnulf Christl
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Steve Lehr
- Symbol question
Stephen Woodbridge
- Is it possible : Change color on database field
Stephen Woodbridge
- Internal Server Error on queryByShape
Richard Barahona
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Mario H. Basa
- Is it possible : Change color on database field
Stéphane RIFF
- crash on QueryByRect/QueryByAttr on Oracle Layer (mapserver compiled by me)
Francesco Sozzi
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Jeff Portwine
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Ed McNierney
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Jeff Portwine
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Ethan Alpert
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Ed McNierney
- crash on QueryByRect/QueryByAttr on Oracle Layer (mapserver compiled by me)
Fernando S.
- crash on QueryByRect/QueryByAttr on Oracle Layer (mapserver compiled by me)
Bart van den Eijnden
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Jeff Portwine
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Ed McNierney
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Jeff Portwine
- About mapserver 4.4.1 and Chinese problem
Tinmean K. H. Liu
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Ethan Alpert
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Jeff Portwine
- mapserver gdaltileindex: Unable to access file
Jon Saints
- mapserver gdaltileindex: Unable to access file
Frank Warmerdam
- [postgis-users] Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS samplesites
Gregory S. Williamson
- Application Data
Giridhar Manepalli
- Rather off-topic data request
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Mark Dieterich
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Mark Dieterich
- upside down labels
John Hagstrand
- Problem fetching images
luca marletta
- upside down labels
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Frank Warmerdam
- upside down labels
Stephen Woodbridge
- Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver gdaltileindex: Unable to access file
Jon Saints
- Low quality Jpg output
Jon Saints
- Low quality Jpg output
Frank Warmerdam
- Spatial Extent and Projection
Giridhar Manepalli
- Spatial Extent and Projection
Bart van den Eijnden
- precompiled binaries for UNIX
Hayk Yeritsian
- precompiled binaries for UNIX
Rob P.
- Low quality Jpg output
- problem drawing shapefile (polygon/line)
Tim Tsai
- problem drawing shapefile (polygon/line)
- upside down labels
Andy Canfield
- Twin Cities MapServer User Group meeting Thursday
Dale Trexel
- scalebar dual english/metric styling
Stephen Woodbridge
- scalebar minscale/maxscale enhancement
Stephen Woodbridge
- Problem fetching images
Ken Lord
- Download list archives
Sebastian Albrecht
- Query and zoom problem
Lluis G. Mestres
- crash on QueryByRect/QueryByAttr on Oracle Layer (mapserver compiled by me)
Francesco Sozzi
- REsize window question
Martin Weinelt
- Map file in browse mode and Content-type: text/html msReturnPage(): error
Daniele Margotti
- problems using a cascaded layer - wms_name parameter
Nuno GIL
- tileindexed layer crashing...
Fawcett, David
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
Lluis G. Mestres
- problems using a cascaded layer - wms_name parameter
Bart van den Eijnden
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
Lyndon Tiu
- How to test Java MapScript?
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
Troy R. Johnson
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
Dylan Keon
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
Aaron Racicot
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
Dylan Keon
- Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object
Dylan Keon
- Using Mapinfo for non_GIS applications (or dGPS possibly)
Eircom - Carroll
- Using Mapinfo for non_GIS applications (or dGPS possibly)
Fawcett, David
- PostGIS 1.0.0-rc2 points not rendering
- PostGIS 1.0.0-rc2 points not rendering
Paul Ramsey
- Showing Arc/Info annotations
Gambin Dejan
- How to test Java MapScript?
Umberto Nicoletti
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
Lluís Garcia i Mestres
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details
Gambin Dejan
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details
Bart van den Eijnden
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details [2]
Bart van den Eijnden
- background with multiple composed images
luca marletta
- problems using a cascaded layer - wms_name parameter
Nuno GIL
- problems using a cascaded layer - wms_name parameter
Bart van den Eijnden
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details
Gambin Dejan
- pdf output on mapserver 4.4 (raster rendering color)
Webloper Dedouze
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details
Lowell Filak
- background with multiple composed images
Stephen Woodbridge
- Showing Arc/Info annotations details [2]
Frank Warmerdam
- making efficient map layers
Jeff Portwine
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
- making efficient map layers
Frank Warmerdam
- Data Retrieval
Charu Verma
- making efficient map layers
Jeff Portwine
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
- making efficient map layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Frank Warmerdam
- making efficient map layers
Frank Warmerdam
- making efficient map layers
Schuyler Erle
- unsuscribe
Luciano Souza
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Brent Fraser
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
Lluís Garcia i Mestres
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Ray Edge
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
- Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1
- shapefile class declaration
Jeff Portwine
- shapefile class declaration
Frank Warmerdam
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
- shapefile class declaration
Stephen Woodbridge
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Brent Fraser
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Brent Fraser
- [postgis-users] Commercial/Large datasets - MapServer/PostGISsamplesites
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- SDE Rasters
Farber, Saul (ENV)
- Parsing Error in Zooming
Charu Verma
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
Charu Verma
- PHP Select List of Polygons
Steve Lehr
- Pdf output and fonts
R Baud
- Red Hat & PHP/MapScripts
Andrew Swiader
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
- Parsing Error in Zooming
- Problems reading a TIF file (newbie question)
Ray Edge
- Red Hat & PHP/MapScripts
- mapscript installation on debian
Lehuta Juraj - OZ
- mapscript installation on debian
James Cradock
- mapscript installation on debian
Jeff Portwine
- mapscript installation on debian
- Query Template
Joost van Ulden
- mapscript installation on debian
Ace Suares
- making efficient map layers
Ed McNierney
- libmap.dll documentation
Craig Miller
- libmap.dll documentation
Frank Warmerdam
- libmap.dll documentation
Craig Miller
- PHP Select List of Polygons
Bob Bruce
- gdal on 64bit
Aaron D. Hunt
- gdal on 64bit
Frank Warmerdam
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
Charu Verma
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
Charu Verma
- GetCapabilities result: mapserv.exe?
Wouter Schaubroeck
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
- making efficient map layers
Mark Dieterich
- making efficient map layers
Frank Warmerdam
- making efficient map layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- making efficient map layers
Ed McNierney
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
Valik Solórzano Barboza
- Labels that follow streets - like Google maps
- tileindex tiif tfw files
Jose Luis Gonzalez
- ogr2ogr and Oracle Spatial
Francesco Sozzi
- dynamic symbol rotation
Francesco Sozzi
- making efficient map layers
Jeff Portwine
- making efficient map layers
Jeff Portwine
- mapscript installation on debian
James Cradock
- mapscript installation on debian
James Cradock
- mapscript installation on debian
Lehuta Juraj - OZ
- mapscript installation on debian
Lehuta Juraj - OZ
- tileindex tiif tfw files
Frank Warmerdam
- making efficient map layers
Jeff Portwine
- making efficient map layers
Sean Gillies
- making efficient map layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- dynamic symbol rotation
Brent Fraser
- Debian and mapserver, another take
Vinko Vrsalovic
- coordinate systems transformations
Mauricio Leon
- Parsing Error in Zooming
Charu Verma
- coordinate systems transformations
Gregor Mosheh
- Data Retrieval from a DBF File Format
Charu Verma
- Projection Help
Giridhar Manepalli
- Projection Help
Ed McNierney
- MapServer going mobile on Zaurus
- MapServer going mobile on Zaurus
- Joining an external dbf table
Gambin Dejan
- dynamic symbol rotation
Stéphane RIFF
- How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
- How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
Stephen Woodbridge
- Joining an external dbf table
Stephen Woodbridge
- No subject
- Projection Help
Giridhar Manepalli
- Internal Server Error by queryByShape()
Richard Barahona
- Internal Server Error by queryByShape()
Camden Daily
- Terraservice.Net DOQ data
Robert Aldridge
- Terraservice.Net DOQ data
Brian Fischer
- Terraservice.Net DOQ data
Gregor Mosheh
- terraserver data
Andy Canfield
- Terraservice.Net DOQ data
Gregor Mosheh
- Terraservice.Net DOQ data
Brian Fischer
- "msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. No such file or directory "..error
K.J. L
- dynamic symbol rotation
Steve Lime
- PHP/Mapscript Crash...
Don Drake
- Projection Issues
bill at BINKO.NET
- Projection Issues
Ed McNierney
- Mac OS X binaries available!
William K
- Mac OS X binaries available!
William K
- Query Mode
Giridhar Manepalli
- How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
- coordinate systems transformations
Mauricio Leon
- coordinate systems transformations
Gregor Mosheh
- Mac OS X binaries available!
- Postgis connection with Mapserver
Indictrans Team
- MapServer going mobile on Zaurus
- MapServer going mobile on Zaurus
- Postgis connection with Mapserver
Bart van den Eijnden
- How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
Stephen Woodbridge
- coordinate systems transformations
Mauricio Leon
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
Klingseisen Bernhard
- How to make Moving Symbols using MapScript
Kristjan Annus
- class expressions in PHP/Mapscript
Jeff Portwine
- class expressions in PHP/Mapscript
Stephen Woodbridge
- class expressions in PHP/Mapscript
Jeff Portwine
- class expressions in PHP/Mapscript
Stephen Woodbridge
- Fwd: Query Mode
Giridhar Manepalli
- Tooltips on icons
Aaron Craig
- REsize window question
Stéphane RIFF
- creating queryable shapefiles
Trond Michelsen
- Tooltips on icons
Schuyler Erle
- Reprojecting to UTM
Andy Canfield
- Reprojecting to UTM
Frank Warmerdam
- creating queryable shapefiles
Trond Michelsen
- WMS and WFS connections
Stefanie Weykam
- creating queryable shapefiles
Camden Daily
- Query Mode
Mike Davis
- Projection Issues
Bill Binko
- creating queryable shapefiles
Lowell Filak
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
James Goddard
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Godwin, Elizabeth
- Tooltips on icons
Lowell Filak
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Ethan Alpert
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
Jeff Portwine
- Users of the Rosa applet
Andy Canfield
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Godwin, Elizabeth
- Projection Issues
Ed McNierney
- Users of the Rosa applet
Ken Lord
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Fawcett, David
- Users of the Rosa applet
Andy Canfield
- No Legend
Lyndon Tiu
- Projection Issues
Bill Binko
- Users of the Rosa applet
Andy Canfield
- Users of the Rosa applet
Ken Lord
Adam Ryan
- TRUETYPE Labels on Solaris
Don Drake
- TRUETYPE Labels on Solaris
Stephen Woodbridge
- IR Satellite Pix Source?
Richard A. Milewski
- TRUETYPE Labels on Solaris
Don Drake
- WMS GetFeatureInfo-Request doesn't work with INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml
Bjoern Platzen
- WMS GetFeatureInfo-Request doesn't work with INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml
Bart van den Eijnden
- WMS GetFeatureInfo-Request doesn't work with INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml
Bjoern Platzen
- Tooltips on icons
- Problems with Dynamic Layer and Transparency
- IR Satellite Pix Source?
Schuyler Erle
- WFS GetFeature MultiLineString
Uli Rothstein (CCGIS)
- Display GeoTIFF-data (>8bit) with the Mapserver
Wolfgang Qual
- Display GeoTIFF-data (>8bit) with the Mapserver
Till Adams
- TRUETYPE Labels on Solaris
Stephen Woodbridge
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
Schuyler Erle
- WFS GetFeature MultiLineString
Uli Rothstein (CCGIS)
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
James Goddard
- problems with mapserv in command line
Frank Rittinger
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
Ed McNierney
- creating queryable shapefiles
Trond Michelsen
- Display GeoTIFF-data (>8bit) with the Mapserver
Wolfgang Qual
- Display GeoTIFF-data (>8bit) with the Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas
Rick Levine
- queryByAttribute search problem
Alexander Rodionov
- Display GeoTIFF-data (>8bit) with the Mapserver
Wolfgang Qual
Sean Gillies
Howard Butler
- IR Satellite Pix Source?
Richard A. Milewski
- variable layer...
Mark Dieterich
- variable layer...
Jeff Portwine
- variable layer...
- WMS and WFS connections
Bart van den Eijnden
Ryan, Adam
- exception in WMS GetMap
Nuno Gil
- exception in WMS GetMap
Bart van den Eijnden
- Vector Data Access Reference
Fawcett, David
- IR Satellite Pix Source?
Mike Davis
Ryan, Adam
- exception in WMS GetMap [2]
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Bart van den Eijnden
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Godwin, Elizabeth
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Bart van den Eijnden
- scalebar snafu?
Adam Ryan
- variable layer...
Ed McNierney
- Multiple bounding boxes in PostGIS data source
Bill Binko
- Georeferenced JPEG
Richard A. Milewski
- Drawing the point on the map and adding it to shapefile
Gambin Dejan
- MapScript binaries for c# / .NET
Mike Saunt
- Drawing the point on the map and adding it to shapefile
Till Adams
- Thickness of a line or polyline object
luca marletta
- Thickness of a line or polyline object
Bart van den Eijnden
- Thickness of a line or polyline object
Stephen Woodbridge
- Drawing the point on the map and adding it to shapefile
Camden Daily
- Moving TILEINDEX in a subfolder
Daniele Margotti
- MapScript binaries for c# / .NET
Sean Gillies
- WFS bug? - multiple layers from same service
Godwin, Elizabeth
- Georeferenced JPEG
Ethan Alpert
- php/mapscript label question
Jeff Portwine
- MapScript binaries for c# / .NET
Morten Nielsen
- MapScript binaries for c# / .NET
Sean Gillies
- and one more labeling question...
Jeff Portwine
- and one more labeling question...
Jeff Portwine
- and one more labeling question...
Stephen Woodbridge
- php/mapscript label question
Stephen Woodbridge
- MapServer & friends on 64-bit system?
Mark Phillips
- MapServer & friends on 64-bit system?
Paul Scott
- MapServer & friends on 64-bit system?
Frank Warmerdam
- "msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. " Error Loading Map File
Jack Ling
- "msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. " Error Loading Map File
Jacob Delfos
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 23:23:16 PST 2005
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:25 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).