Mapserver rpm mandrake 10.1

Lluís Garcia i Mestres lluisgm at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 22 03:39:21 EST 2005

Hi, I've achieved to compile php and mapserver by myself but I get two erros:

- I add the following lines to httpd.conf but apache doesn't reconize php.

AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php .php4 .php3 .phtml
Action  application/x-httpd-php-cgi /cgi-bin/php

- On the other hand, I builded a map, just with mapserver, with
different layers and the position looks ok. But when I click on the
map using query or zoom function, it seems like mapserver send a point
2-3 cm upper from where i have clicked.

Thanks a lot, I have spend to much time so I hope figure out soon.


On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 08:17:35 -0800, Lyndon Tiu <ltiu at> wrote:
> Lluis G. Mestres wrote:
> >With Mandrake 10.1 I have the mapserver-4.2.rpm include, and it works ok.
> >The problem is that I can't get the to include Maplab.
> >Should I compile mapserver by myself? It's possible to use then the php
> >rpm? I'm geeting crazy to build mapserver.
> >
> What error messages are you getting?
> >If anyone has documentation to
> >compile php and mapserver in Mandrake 10.1 will be wonderful.
> >
> >
> ./configure --help
> should tell you what to do.
> You will see something like this:
> --with-php=DIR
> You need to have php devel packaged installed.
> --
> Lyndon Tiu

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