Joining an external dbf table

Gambin Dejan Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR
Thu Mar 24 23:30:47 PST 2005


I have a question regarding joining an external table. I have an
external dbf table that I want to query (and used as class expression)
instead of item in source dbf table (the dbf table from shp). The source
dbf table has an numeric field called ID1 that has to be joined to
second table ID2 field and I want query to return me the NAME field from
the second table.

Can someone show me an example of map file with class expressions (I
would like the items with different names be in different class so the
number of classes is equal to number of different names)?

What else has to be done? How to refer to it in template file?

Thanks very much

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