Odd mapserv CGI problem

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 9 17:10:07 EST 2005

Hi Avi,

If you are using IIS,  make sure that your scripts folder has 'execute
permissions' set to 'scripts and executables'

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 15:27:33 -0600, Avi A Blackmore <sysadmin at satshot.com> wrote:
> I'm having a very peculiar problem with Mapserver 4.0.1.  Given a valid
> mapfile, which points to valid index and shape files (for vector layers), the
> shp2img program returns the correct image.
> However, when I try to run the same query (same extents, map file, and the
> like) through the CGI mapserv program via a browser, the program returns...a
> copy of itself.  As in, a copy of the ELF 32-bit binary executable.
> I have no idea whatsoever why it does this, especially since the mapfile is
> known to be correct (it's automatically generated by a Java webapp), and
> works for shp2img.  Any ideas on where to start looking?
> Thanks,
> Avi Blackmore
> Agri ImaGIS Technologies
> System Administrator

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