Odd mapserv CGI problem

Steven Monai stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM
Wed Mar 9 17:17:44 EST 2005


This sounds like a configuration problem with your web server. Very likely
what's happening is that the web server is serving your mapserver
executable as though it were static content (e.g. like an HTML page or a
PDF document), instead of running the executable and returning its output.

If you're using Apache, make sure you've correctly set up a <ScriptAlias>
for the directory containing your mapserv binary. If you're using something
else, then do the equivalent thing (whatever that might be ;-).

Hope this helped,

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 15:27:33 -0600, Avi A Blackmore <sysadmin at SATSHOT.COM>

>I'm having a very peculiar problem with Mapserver 4.0.1.  Given a valid
>mapfile, which points to valid index and shape files (for vector layers),
>shp2img program returns the correct image.
>However, when I try to run the same query (same extents, map file, and the
>like) through the CGI mapserv program via a browser, the program
>copy of itself.  As in, a copy of the ELF 32-bit binary executable.
>I have no idea whatsoever why it does this, especially since the mapfile is
>known to be correct (it's automatically generated by a Java webapp), and
>works for shp2img.  Any ideas on where to start looking?
>Avi Blackmore
>Agri ImaGIS Technologies
>System Administrator

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