Users of the Rosa applet

Andy Canfield andy.canfield at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 29 15:58:05 EST 2005

For anyone using Rosa or other applets with Mapserver.

I recently upgraded my JRE to 1.5.0_02 when the update from Sun came out.

I will spare you the pain of repeating my headache. If you install
this update and then use an applet from within Firefox it will crash
your firefox randomly for users who are running on Windows 2K and
possibly other Windows OS's(I don't know if the same is occuring on
*nix boxes or not).

If you leave it at 1.4.2_06 or roll it back to 1.4.2_06 the problem
will go away. It doesn't seem to affect IE6.

Other users are reporting the same things when using sites such as that use applets as well.

I submitted this to the Firefox people and they are trying to figure
out if it's them or Sun that needs to do the fixing.

Until it gets sorted out remind your Windows users not to upgrade
their JRE if they use Firefox or switch to IE6(Yuck I know). I have no
idea what in the applets is causing it but it causes pretty
spectacular crashes in some cases.

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