upside down labels

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Sat Mar 19 11:38:24 EST 2005

Regardless of the reason (forced or not) the math that computed the
angle and tries to keep the label right side up is flawed and needs to
be fixed. For any of the upside down labels you could flip them 180
degrees and they would fit in the same space.

On 4.01, I was the only person that reported and complained about it,
but it now seems to be a much more common problem. Maps with upside down
labels do not show mapserver off in its best light. Also the code should
be pretty localized so knowing where to look should not be a problem.

As for localizing a trivial example, that is harder. I'm not sure how to
  identify just the objects required to render a map with the problem
and to extract them into a small set of data files.


blaise wrote:
> Le samedi 19 Mars 2005 07:10, John Hagstrand a écrit :
>>Hi Andy,
>>To answer your question, this is the label statement.
>>      LABEL
>>        FONT ARIAL
>>        COLOR 0 0 0
>>        SIZE 7
>>        ANGLE AUTO
>>        MINDISTANCE 300
>>      END
>>And here is the URL again.
>>For this URL, with these explicit boundaries, the same 5 out of 48 labels
>>are always upside down.
>>But, if you pan to the left a quarter-inch, then some of these 5 might be
>>right-side up and a different set of labels will be upside down.
> hi
> It seems that the labels that are upside down are this way to avoid collision
> with other ? I understand you don't want to force all labels to draw... but
> can you try to see if forced labels are upside down as well ?
> blaise

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