All Tiger data for download?

Prashanth Ram pram at PRAMCENTRAL.COM
Thu Mar 3 12:38:15 PST 2005

  If you are looking just for the tiger inline files check out:

The tiger files are broken down by state on the site.

Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript, PHP Hosting

----- Original Message -----
From: "Camden Daily" <cdaily at GMAIL.COM>
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] All Tiger data for download?
Date:         Thu, 3 Mar 2005 14:28:46 -0600

> Does anyone know an easy way to obtain all of the Tiger/Line
> shapefiles for the entire United States?  I know ESRI has it all, but
> it would be a pain to use their interface to grab it for the entire
> US.
> I'd prefer a free ftp site (but I assume no one is so generous as to
> donate that kind of bandwidth).  Alternately, I'd like to purchase all
> of the data on CD/DVD.  I contacted ESRI, but they won't sell it like
> that for some reason.
> Any advice would be welcome.
> -Camden Daily

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