tileindexed layer crashing...

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Fri Mar 18 10:40:39 EST 2005

This morning I tried to add a tileindexed layer to my mapfile.    After adding it and trying to view my mapfile, apache ran away with all the systems memory until it crashed.   I have no idea what I did wrong...

I downloaded all of the tiger2004 shapefiles and unzipped them into a single directory.
In that directory, I did:
tile4ms data_dir.in tiger-roads
shptree tiger-roads
cat data_dir.in | xargs-n 1 shptree

I added this layer:
     NAME tiger_streets
     STATUS off
     TYPE line
     TILEINDEX tiger-roads

       NAME "Interstate"
       EXPRESSION ([CFCC]=A15)
       COLOR 200 0 0
       SYMBOL 'interstate'

When I tried to view the map it blew up.   The server I was using happened to also be our mailserver... so causing this machine to go unstable and require a reboot is a very bad thing and thus i'm being forced to move my mapserver work to another server.   I've been googling all morning but I can't seem to find the debian package for mapserver 4.4.1 again... anybody know where I can find that?   I wish I could remember where I got it last time.

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