Next test...

Lisi, Christine lisi at MYDELRAYBEACH.COM
Thu Mar 10 10:09:40 EST 2005

Thank you, Arnulf.  You gave me a good laugh this morning and a little
pride too.  I never did get rid of that headache last night, but today I
am much better and your e-mail has helped.  Now that all the pieces of
my GIS implementation are working, I just have to wait for the
consultant to come in.  Then it'll all start up again.

I don't know what OGC is, but rest assured, I'LL BE BACK!


Christine Lisi
Application Specialist

Management Information Systems * City of Delray Beach * 100 NW First
Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444

Phone, 561-243-7142 * Fax, 561-243-7166 * eMail, Lisi at

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl [mailto:arnulf.christl at] 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:20 AM
Cc: Lisi, Christine
Subject: Next test...

Hey Christine,
you seem to perfectly fill the position of quality assurance and as you 
didn't mail in the past 14 hours I believe that you must be deeply bored

and depressed by now (or do you sleep every now and then).

When will you start testing MapServer's OGC capabilities - we are 
already eagerly awaiting your input...


Anybody having a problem with our documentation can now just search the 
archives for "Lisi, Christine". Cool thing!

Best, Arnulf.

Arnulf B. Christl

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