php-mapscript: abnormal death

Mark Leslie mark at REFRACTIONS.NET
Thu Mar 3 16:04:26 EST 2005

My understanding was the OUTPUTFORMAT was implicitly defined, and the
mapfile output format would
be used by default.  Of course my understanding is limited, so I tried
it to no avail.

I've found a work around however.  It seems that writing to a file works
fine, just not to standard out.  I've done
the workaround that I write to a temp file, then read the file directly
to stdout.  So far, it's fixed the app, but it's still not
an ideal solution.  I've also filed a bug (1269).


Bart van den Eijnden wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Have you defined an outputformat in your MAP file (or dynamically in
> php)?
> eg for png 8 bits:
>   NAME png
>   MIMETYPE "image/png"
>   EXTENSION "png"
> Maybe you even need to set it (I don't know if this is necessary if there
> is only 1 output format though ...):
> $map->selectOutputFormat('png');
> Hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> Bart

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