puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()

Laurent Jégou jegou at UNIV-TLSE2.FR
Wed Mar 16 05:18:56 PST 2005

Hello, the problem occured to my installation and the list answered, so
do i.

The solution is to build separately mapserver and php_mapscript. One
configuration for each.

Classically i was doing progressive ./configure and builds, to finally
arrive at php_mapscript, but this approach broke the mapserv binary when
building the php_mapscript module. I thinks that's a real void in the
documentaion files, at least for nioubies like me on Linux ;-)

Laurent Jégou
IGE Cartographe
UTM - Dépt. Géographie
31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9 -

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