puzzling error message: arString(): Unable to access file. adLabelString()

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo.lists at FABRICADEIDEIAS.COM
Thu Mar 17 04:10:28 PST 2005

Laurent Jégou wrote:

> The solution is to build separately mapserver and php_mapscript. One
> configuration for each.

Have you managed to get a working php/mapscript this way?

Could you please share the exact configure options you used to create a
working php/mapscript under Linux?

> Classically i was doing progressive ./configure and builds, to finally
> arrive at php_mapscript, but this approach broke the mapserv binary when
> building the php_mapscript module. I thinks that's a real void in the
> documentaion files, at least for nioubies like me on Linux ;-)

I agree.


Rodrigo Severo


Rodrigo Severo
Fábrica de Idéias
SBS -Ed. Empire Center Sala 1301 - Cobertura
Fone: (61) 321 1357
Fax: (61) 223 1712


The function of the expert is not to be more right than other people,
but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
              -- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist


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