Tiger Shapefile tiling problem

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Thu Mar 17 15:03:30 EST 2005

Ahh you should have postted this error earlier or I missed it. This
nifty message is tell you that the files listed do not have the same DBF
attribute field definitions as the first file that was loaded. ALL the
files in the tileindex MUST have identical FIELD_NAMES, TYPES, and order
of fields.


Jeff Portwine wrote:
> I got the tile4ms utility compiled now... it went without any issue
> after getting that dev package installed, but I'm still getting the same
> errors that I was getting before.
> $ tile4ms data_dir.in tiger-roads
> Aborted. DBF fields do not match for
> file:/home/jdport/tiger/CT_Fairfield_County
> _Poly.shp
> Aborted. DBF fields do not match for
> file:/home/jdport/tiger/CT_Hartford_County_
> Poly.shp
> Aborted. DBF fields do not match for
> file:/home/jdport/tiger/CT_Litchfield_Count
> y_Poly.shp
> Aborted. DBF fields do not match for
> file:/home/jdport/tiger/CT_Middlesex_County
> _Poly.shp
> Aborted. DBF fields do not match for
> file:/home/jdport/tiger/CT_New_Haven_County
> _Poly.shp
> ...
> ...
> My data metafile looks like:
> /home/jdport/tiger/CT_Fairfield_County.shp
> /home/jdport/tiger/CT_Fairfield_County_Poly.shp
> /home/jdport/tiger/CT_Hartford_County.shp
> /home/jdport/tiger/CT_Hartford_County_Poly.shp
> ...
> ...
> -Jeff

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