making efficient map layers

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Thu Mar 24 05:24:07 PST 2005

God it's too early in the morning.. i read this message and replied to it
directing him to this thread and afterwords realized he was already replying
to this thread.. sorry about that., I thought i had read a different subject

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Portwine" <jdport at VERITIME.COM>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] making efficient map layers

>> - Is there any speed reason to split types of roads, based on the CFCC
>> type, into different shapefiles or is it just as good to use shp2tile
>> and then a tileindex?
> If you're showing roads for a large area, you should split them up... I've
> had a thread going called "making efficient layers" because I had an issue
> just recently where I was killing my web server and some other random
> processes because I tried to show a tiger road tile of a large area and it
> sucked up all the available RAM in trying to process it... a few people
> gave
> some good advice on splitting things up to improve the speed and
> performance.
>>On a side not, is it possible to throw a wildcard
>> at ogr2ogr, where by you can specify something likek ogr2ogr dst.shp
>> src.shp -where CFCC=A1*?  I couldn't figure out if it could take
>> wildcards or not.  I suppose you could go through and run it for each
>> A1* type and append it to the shapefile, but this could be a long
>> process.
> That is a great question... I tried everything I could think of to make
> the
> ogr2ogr command accept a range of options... I tried using regular
> expressions like CFCC=A1[0-8] (and variations of this), I tried CFCC=A*, I
> tried CFCC=A%... and I tried a few other things and in the end I ended up
> doing   CFCC=10, then appending CFCC=11, CFCC=12, etc.    Like you said it
> was slow but it did work.
> -Jeff
>> I'm working on familiarizing myself with the National Map offerings and
>> will probably have some more questions for you.
>> Thanks!
>> Mark

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