tileindexed layer crashing...

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Fri Mar 18 12:58:31 EST 2005

Please realize that if you use an EXPRESSION to select features,
MapServer still has to read *every single feature* in the input files
and test them against your expression.  If you try to do that for the
whole Northeast, MapServer is still being asked to read *every* road in
those states even if it ends up selecting and drawing only two of them.

Yes this makes sense now that you say this...   I could preprocess out a lot of the
minor roads, trails, etc but really I do want the majority of the roads to be present...
Just I wanted to be able to show only the major highways while zoomed out and then
start showing lesser roads as I zoomed in closer.    I'm not entirely sure how to 
do the preprocessing  (I had no GIS knowledge or experience at all before getting involved
with mapserver... I've learned a lot but have a long ways to go).   I'll worry about that later
though.. now it's on to prepping another server for mapserver so I can get back to work on this.   Thanks for all the comments and advice.

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