Error message after uprade to MS 4.4.1

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Wed Mar 9 06:11:41 EST 2005

Hi Bart,

Thanks for your fast reply (4 minutes!).
Teaches me to *first* search the archives before hitting Send :")

Regards, Berend

bartvde at wrote:

> Hi Berend,
> this has been fixed by Frank Warmerdam and will be released in 4.4.2.
> See:
> There is also a thread about this in the archives (Feb 2005) named
> "msRASTERLayerOpen(): Attempt to open a RASTER layer, but this is only
> supported after a raster query"
> Best regards,
> Bart


Berend Veldkamp - ARIS

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