Python Mapscript QueryByPoint

Eric Bridger eric at GOMOOS.ORG
Wed Mar 9 08:23:55 PST 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 09:56, Sean Gillies wrote:
> Jon,
> Check the querying howto under mapscript/doc.  I am hosting an HTML
> version of the same doc at
> cheers,
> Sean

Sean's guide was a big help to me, though a little sparse on some of the
finer details, in particular on how to get the field names as well as
the values.
So here's some Perl code: (only tested with shape files and PostGIS

my $shape = $layer->getFeature($qid, $tid);
   for(my $i = 0; $i < $shape->{numvalues}; $i++)
       my $val = $shape->getValue($i);
       my $name = $layer->getItem($i);
       print "$name = $val\n";


P.S. the tile index is used in the getFeature call, but if you are not
using tiled shape files it is probably not needed. I'm not sure.

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