A confused Network Admin

Marco Marsella m.marsella at ITWORKS.IT
Thu Mar 3 01:36:56 EST 2005

Whoa! I can see that documentation and support are sensitive issues!

While I regret not having been able to participate in the discussion
due to time-zone differences, I would like to add a few points, very

- no doubt, Mapserver is great as great are the people developing it
and helping us all on the list and writing the documentation that's

- I see from some posts the usual mistake: code is great, docs can
wait. Nothing could be more wrong! Docs is as important as code!
OpenSource is making the difference with the code, which is wonderful,
but we also need to make a difference with documentation and support.
Why do you think Microsoft and ESRI are still the market benemoths they
are ? Because companies *need* support and commercial software provides
support (well, I know what you will say to this, but you see what I

- I *will* join the MSDP and do my best!

Thank you all.


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