Mac OS X binaries available!

William K woklist at CHARTER.NET
Fri Mar 25 20:25:03 EST 2005

Well, I finally gone and done it.  MapServer binaries for Mac OS X.
Until I get the build instructions updated for the way I set up the
binaries, you have to look on the MapServer main page to find them.
Eventually I'll make it more prominent, when I update all the build

Here's an overview of what's included.  I've set things up as multiple
packages, since I want everything to be reusable for other projects.
They are installed in isolated folders for easy uninstalling if

+ Graphics Libs: libz, giflib, libjpeg, libpng, libtiff, jasper,
freetype2, GD and PDFlib Lite.

+ GIS Libs: Stuff used by both MapServer and GRASS, and other GIS
software - PROJ, GeoTIFF, GEOS, OGDI and GDAL/OGR.  For now, GDAL is
not built with GRASS libs support as I describe in my build

+ PostgreSQL 8.0.1 + PostGIS 1.0.0rc4.  Sets up postgres user and
includes a startup item.

+ PHP 4.1.10.  Built as an Apache module.  Includes all the features
mentioned in my build instructions.  It's not installed in the Apache
modules folder, so Apple updates won't overwrite it.  Configures Apache
for you.  MySQL requires the official MySQL binaries.

+ MapServer 4.4.1.  Includes both CGI and PHP-MapScript, built for PHP
as an Apache module.  All WMS, ... features included (something I don't
do in my build instructions).

Feedback is very welcome.  I've tested installation and basic operation
on Mac OS 10.3.8.  There are a couple of system libraries - ssl and
iodbc - that require specific versions in PHP (because of the way Apple
built them).  I've checked back to 10.3.6 that they are present, but
I'm not sure about before that.  This should work for Mac OS X Server
as well - all the necessary parts are the same as in Mac OS X Client.

One thing I haven't tested is PostGIS - I don't use it.  Postgres runs,
that's all I can say.  Feedback on PostGIS would be extra welcome.

I'll try to work on other features as well - there are still a few
GDAL/OGR formats I need to look into.  As well as uninstallers, for
both the binaries and the old build instructions stuff.

I don't have the personal webspace.  For now, I have these on my
employer's server (which I administer).  I hope that I can keep them
there (I'll talk to them next week), but hosting would be welcome if
not.  When I have more feedback and work out any problems, I'll see
about getting them listed in the MapServer downloads.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at>

Earth: "Mostly harmless"

- revised entry in the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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