Mapserver Newby requests help

Jason Husveth jhusveth at CCESINC.COM
Fri Mar 11 10:16:57 PST 2005

Hi all:

I am new to the list and new to mapserver.  I am just getting started and
was wondering of there is anyone willing to help me get started using
mapserver.  I am well versed with GIS (taught myself to program and develop
applications with Avenue in ArcView, as well as ArcInfo, ArcMap, etc.), but
need some help getting started with constructing spatially enabled
internet-web applications using mapserver.   I am the type of person that if
someone can explain the basic concepts to me, I can take it from there (with
a nudge here and there).  I spent a several hours this week reading the
available documentation re: Mapserver, and I still need some guidance on how
to get set up.  If this is beyond the scope of the list serve, I appologize
in advance.

I'll get to where I want to be one way or another, but I would sure
appreciate any help that I can get.

Best regards,


Jason J. Husveth, M.S.
Principal Ecologist
Critical Connections Ecological Services, Inc.
14758 Ostlund Trail North
Marine on Saint Croix, Minnesota 55047

Office: 651.433.4410
Fax:  651.433.4528
Cell: 651.247.0474

Email:  jhusveth at


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