shapefile class declaration

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Mar 22 14:02:57 EST 2005
Scrool down to "Other Resources" and get a copy of the shapefile


Jeff Portwine wrote:
> Can anybody tell me what the different "types" of shapefiles would
> represent?   The documentation lists them but doesn't describe them.
> I'd guess that the MS_SHP_POLYGON would be a set of points that defines
> a closed shape while the MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT would be points defining
> lines (such as roads or rivers or whatever)....
> Would MS_SHP_ARC then be an ESRI type shapefile?    And what would
> MS_SHP_POINT be?  That sounds like a single point but why would you
> create a shapefile for a single point?
> Thanks!

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