Mapserver 4.2 crash when using SRS key in the request

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Thu Mar 3 04:25:35 EST 2005


I remember this as a 4.2 bug in Mapserver. Upgrade to 4.4.1 I would
suggest. It should also be fixed in 4.2.5.

Best regards,

> Hi all,
> If I make a request like this:
> http://stage/Scripts/mapserv.exe?
> map=E:/svg2/
> llshade&BBOX=244000,4150000,308000,4231000&width=553&height=700&
> my image is returned ok.
> But if I use the SRS key in the request like this:
> http://stage/Scripts/mapserv.exe?
> map=E:/svg2/
> llshade&BBOX=244000,4150000,308000,4231000&width=553&height=700&SRS=EPSG:269
> 11&
> then I have a Mapserv error message, less or more (from Italian):
> 'Instruction at "0x101d7030" done a reference to address at "0xcccc1036".
> Memory couldn't be "read" '
> Does anyone know if it's a Mapserver 4.2 bug or does it related to a bad
> installation of Proj ?
> S.O. is Win2000.
> Thanks
>     Piero

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