rpms for RHES

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at RAAD.TARTU.EE
Fri Mar 11 17:27:26 EST 2005

I didn't think I would ever ask such a lame question, but here I am.

I've installed Mapserver on couple of FreeBSD and Linux servers
successfully and I can generally find my way around the installation
procedure. But now we are trying to give our Mapserver application to
someone else so they can run it on their server, which is Red Hat
Enterprise 3.0. I don't think I can get administrative access on that
server to do the installation myself. The owners of the server seem to
be somewhat overwhelmed by the installation procedure and have asked me
to just give them rpms for all the dependencies and Mapserver itself.
Since I don't have RHES, it's difficult for me to do.

Would the rpms for Fedora Core 1 that are pointed to at the
'EasyInstallationWithRPMs' work on RHES? If not, has anyone ever built
Mapserver rpms for RHES and is willing to share their experience?

Thanks in advance,

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