Mapserver/PostGIS performance

Rhys Ickeringill rhysi at OMNILINK.COM.AU
Thu Mar 17 01:27:48 EST 2005

Hi List,

When using MapServer to rasterise a map which references PostGIS layers,
does anyone know if:

(1) there a performance impact if the generic geometry type of the layer is
set to "GEOMERY" rather than using one of the more specific geometry types

(2) there a performance impact if the geometry type of a layer of polygons
is set to MULTIPOLYGON rather than using the more specific POLYGON type ?

I have a number of big layers which are 99% of one geometry type, but with a
sprinkling of others. Hence I am wondering whether it is worth huting out
and removing the other 1%, or whether it's not worth it and I should just
use a more generic geometry type description...



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