TRUETYPE Labels on Solaris

Don Drake dondrake at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 30 00:03:36 EST 2005

I've built everything from source.

Just curious why you say PHP and mapserver need the same version of
freetype when I run mapserver as a CGI?  They're independent processes
at that point.



On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 19:24:25 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at> wrote:
> Don,
> You might check and make sure that you are using the same version of
> freetype in BOTH PHP and mapserver otherwise there may be issues. You
> might need to build both PHP and mapserver from source if you haven't.
> Also make use that the version of freetype that you compiled against is
> the version that you are actually loading at runtime. You might have a
> different system version that is getting loaded.
> -Steve W.
> Don Drake wrote:
> > Does anyone have TrueType labels working on Solaris?  I am struggling
> > to get these to work.  Our application is being ported to Solaris and
> > I've noticed that this simple layer will crash the PHP/Mapscript when
> > I choose the TrueType Type in the map file.
> >
> > I also get no debugging output.
> >
> > The same layer works just fine on my Linux servers.
> >
> > Here's the layer:
> >
> >         LAYER
> >                 DEBUG ON
> >                 NAME "credits"
> >                 STATUS ON
> >                 TRANSFORM FALSE
> >                 TYPE ANNOTATION
> >                 FEATURE
> >                         POINTS
> >                                 10 440
> >                         END
> >                         TEXT 'Copyright 2005'
> >                 END
> >                   CLASSPSERVER-USERS at
> >                         LABEL
> >                                 POSITION CR
> >                                 COLOR 255 255 255
> >                                 PARTIALS FALSE
> >                                 FONT "arial"
> >                                 #TYPE BITMAP
> >                                 #SIZE small
> >                                 TYPE TRUETYPE
> >                                 SIZE 8
> >                                 BUFFER 4
> >                                 MINDISTANCE 300
> >                                 MINFEATURESIZE 10
> >                                 OUTLINECOLOR 37 62 130
> >                                 ANTIALIAS TRUE
> >                                 FORCE on
> >                         END
> >                 END
> >         END
> >
> > Any suggestions? I'm on Solaris 9, Mapserver 4.4.1, gd 2.0.33, freetype 2.1.9.
> >
> > If I change the type to bitmap, nothing crashes and I see maps.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > -Don
> >
> > --
> > Donald Drake
> > President
> > Drake Consulting
> >
> >
> >
> > 312-560-1574
> >

Donald Drake
Drake Consulting

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