making efficient map layers

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Tue Mar 22 07:52:32 PST 2005

Thanks for the information...
I can write a script I'm sure, but I have never used the ogr2ogr utility and
I'm not sure how it works... is there documentation for that?    Or if
Mapscript could be used that might be even
better, though I really don't know how I could create new shapefiles from
old ones but I'll look into it.

Is it possible using ogr2ogr to output (as in your example) CFCC=A13 from
every county shapefile into a single shapefile, or would I have to create
separate output shapefiles for every county and then tile them?


> ogr2ogr out.shp in.shp -where CFCC=A13
> You will presumably need to wrap this in appropriate scripts to
> invoke it on each of your files in sequence.   You could also:
> o Write a python script using OGR to do something similar.
> o Use MapScript and use it's built in shapefile support, possibly
> o Use ArcGIS or ArcView (with appropriate scripts)
> o Use FME and do it with the visual modelling environment.
> o Load the data into PostGIS and use SQL to break things up.
> ... well, you get my point.  There are plenty of ways.
> If you aren't handy with scripting this might be an onerous task.
> I would suggest you *get handy* with scripting, or look into hiring
> someone to help out on the data processing task.
> Best regards,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> warmerdam at
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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