Projection Help GPS vs National Atlas

Rick Levine Richard_D_Levine at RAYTHEON.COM
Wed Mar 30 10:21:53 EST 2005

I've been bitten by that so many times.  Everyone says "lat/long", but
OpenGIS defined all of the interfaces as long/lat.  Go figure.


UMN MapServer Users List <MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU> wrote on
03/30/2005 08:19:24 AM:

> James Goddard wrote:
> >I'm a little confused by all of the projection stuff.  Any help would be
> >appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> Ok, I figured this one out.  It wasn't a projection problem, it turns
> out that even though the projection is latlong the long needs to be
> stored first in the shapefile.  Go figure.
> Thanks for the help.
> James

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