MapScript binaries for c# / .NET

Morten Nielsen morten at DOTNETGIS.NET
Thu Mar 31 11:23:11 PST 2005

>I really don't know anything about Morten Neilsen's dotNetMapScript, or
>why this person would want to stay apart from the mainstream of the
>MapServer project and try to re-brand one part of the MapServer

There seems to be a misconception of what we are trying to do. All we want
to do is work with the SWIG/C# dll that Sean has been working on, and create
ASP.NET usercontrols that interface MapServer, and hopefully later increase
the performance by using a .NET service approach.

We are NOT working on any new mapscript DLL's  (yet anyway :-).

I am impressed with MapServer, but "unfortunately" I'm also a very happy
ASP.NET developer. I think that MapServer lacks better documentation and
support for us ASP.NET developers. Sean who made a great job on the C#
module hasn't even tried it on a Windows platform, so I guess that proves my
point :-) This is where we want to make all things better! ;-)

We are still at an early stage. Right now we are only at a point where we
play around with different compilation settings and trying to create a few
apps that uses Mapserver to generate maps. We have an open forum on our
website devoted to any OpenSource/.NET based GIS project. MapServer is our
main focus at this point, but more will hopefully come.

Morten Nielsen

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