No Legend

Lyndon Tiu ltiu at ALUMNI.SFU.CA
Tue Mar 29 16:34:01 EST 2005


I have the legend object in my map file:

                IMAGECOLOR 200 200 200#IMAGECOLOR [r][g][b]
                #INTERLACE [on|off]
                #OUTLINECOLOR [r][g][b]
                #POSITION [ul|uc|ur|ll|lc|lr]
                KEYSIZE 20 10 #KEYSIZE [x][y]
                #KEYSPACING [x][y]
                #POSTLABELCACHE [true|false]
                STATUS ON #STATUS [on|off|embed]
                TEMPLATE "templates/legend.html" #TEMPLATE [filename]
                #TRANSPARENT [on|off]
                        #ANGLE [double]
                        #ANTIALIAS [true|false]
                        #BACKGROUNDCOLOR [r][g][b]
                        #BACKGROUNDSHADOWCOLOR [r][g][b]
                        #BACKGROUNDSHADOWSIZE [x][y]
                        #BUFFER [integer]
                        COLOR 0 0 155 #COLOR [r][g][b]
                        #FONT [name]
                        #FORCE [true|false]
                        #MAXSIZE [integer]
                        #MINDISTANCE [integer]
                        #MINFEATURESIZE [integer|auto]
                        #MINSIZE [integer]
                        #OFFSET [x][y]
                        #OUTLINECOLOR [r][g][b]
                        #PARTIALS [true|false]
                        #POSITION [ul|uc|ur|cl|cc|cr|ll|lc|lr|auto]
                        #SHADOWCOLOR [r][g][b]
                        #SHADOWSIZE [x][y]
                        SIZE MEDIUM #SIZE
                        TYPE BITMAP #TYPE [bitmap|truetype]
                        #WRAP [character]
                END # LABEL
        END # LEGEND

But my GetCapabilities XML does not have a <LegendURL> tag.

What else do I need to do to make the GetCapabilities output a
<LegendURL> tag?

Thank you very much for any help.

Lyndon Tiu

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