problem drawing shapefile (polygon/line)

Tim Tsai ttsai at POBOX.COM
Sun Mar 20 02:55:43 PST 2005

Hello.  I am stumped on this particular issue running mapserver 4.4.1.
I have a shapefile of polygons representing some water features.
For some reason, I can get the map to draw if I use "TYPE LINE" but
not if I use "TYPE POLYGON" (no objects visible and no error messages).

A quick gdb session shows that the layer and shape drawing routines are
both reached.  shape->num_lines seems to be always 1 though everytime
I see it.  I am going to spend more time with gdb but am wondering
if anybody has any idea on what this is doing.



-- from ogrinfo --
% ogrinfo _water.shp
INFO: Open of `_water.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
1: _water (Polygon)

-- from my mapfile --
        DEBUG on
        NAME "water"
        STATUS default

        DATA "_water"
#        TYPE POLYGON # doesn't work
        TYPE LINE # works

            DEBUG on
                COLOR 102 204 255
                OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 128
                SYMBOL 1
                SIZE 3

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