how to use java mapscript in tomcat4/jsp environment?

Umberto Nicoletti unicoletti at PROMETEO.IT
Tue Mar 15 09:01:17 EST 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 10:37 +0800, wlx wrote:
> Hi list,
>     I have compiled java mapscript with mapserver 4.4.1 in my system,but I
> don't know how to use it. My system is Debian sarge,and I compiled mapserver
> with:
>   ./configure --with-gd=/usr --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr
> --with-proj --with-threads
>   make
>   cd mapscript/java
>   make
>   make test
>   cp *.so /usr/lib/jni/
>   cp *.jar /usr/share/tomcat4/common/lib
> Are there something wrong? I even copy the jar file to tomcat4
> webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/.
> But when I want to create a simple test jsp file with java mapscript, just
> create a new mapObj,errors happened.

What kind of errors do you get?


> So is there a simple introduction with java mapscript or a simple example?
>    Best wish,
> Sincerely yours,
> Liangxu Wang
Umberto Nicoletti                          |   We are Pentium of Borg.
+390415701366   unicoletti at     |   Division is futile.
Prometeo S.R.L. The Software Experience    |   You will be approximated.

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