All Tiger data for download?
Gregor Mosheh
stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Thu Mar 3 17:31:22 PST 2005
A year or so ago I downloaded the entire TIGER set,
and discovered that the TIGER data doesn't align with
other datasets. (There was a thread on this a month or
three later, that apparently this is a known problem.)
So as long as we're on the topic of grabbing all TIGER
data, I thought I'd re-ask the question of whether the
TIGER data is geographically correct and therefore
--- Steve Wormley <steve at WORMLEY.COM> wrote:
> I'm sure the census didn't like it, but I just the
> other day did a wget of
> the whole set and then used ogr2ogr to convert them
> all to various
> shapefiles as I needed them.
> For instance, to create the major roads (CFCC of
> A1*) after unzipping all
> the .zip files I ran the following command:
> find tiger/ -type d -iname
> 'tgr?????' | xargs -n1
> ~/
> and the script:
> #! /bin/bash
> out=`echo $1 | awk -F/ '{print $6}'`
> outb=`echo $1 | awk -F/ '{print $7}'`
> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "CFCC like 'A1%'"
> -nln $outb
> maps/us/majorroads/$out $1 CompleteChain
> (Sorry about the wrapping. And for right now I can't
> make the data files
> available to the public.)
> The major roads after conversion were about 128MB.
> The minor roads (everything except A1*) were around
> 11GB.
> The compressed tiger files appear to be about 4.5GB.
> The uncompressed version of the tiger files are
> about 42GB.
> -Steve Wormley
> On 3/3/05 3:49 PM, "Jeff Portwine"
> <jdport at VERITIME.COM> wrote:
> > I've been looking for an easier way to get it too.
> > If i could get it I'd be happy to provide dvd's
> just for cost of media and
> > shipping... but getting the data is a real pain.
> >
> > -Jeff
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Camden Daily" <cdaily at GMAIL.COM>
> > Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 3:28 PM
> > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] All Tiger data for
> download?
> >
> >
> >> Does anyone know an easy way to obtain all of the
> Tiger/Line
> >> shapefiles for the entire United States? I know
> ESRI has it all, but
> >> it would be a pain to use their interface to grab
> it for the entire
> >> US.
> >>
> >> I'd prefer a free ftp site (but I assume no one
> is so generous as to
> >> donate that kind of bandwidth). Alternately, I'd
> like to purchase all
> >> of the data on CD/DVD. I contacted ESRI, but
> they won't sell it like
> >> that for some reason.
> >>
> >> Any advice would be welcome.
> >>
> >> -Camden Daily
> >>
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