Mark center of map?

blaise bpicinbono at WORLDONLINE.FR
Thu Mar 17 19:33:47 EST 2005

Le vendredi 18 Mars 2005 00:42, Richard A. Milewski a écrit :
> Jeff,
> I tried your suggestion and got it to work, but I noticed some odd things
> and I just want to be sure I really understand what I'm doing.
> Here's the layer that works for me:
> I suspect you already know everything I've mentioned here, but I wanted to
> make sure it got into the thread in the MapServer-Users list archive.  I've
> learned at least half of what I know about MapServer from the list, and
> want to leave as much information around for the next guy as I can.
> Many thanks for all the help!
> -- Richard

Ha ? You too found the REAL doc ! A few weeks ago, somebody right in the 
middle of the doc could not see it and was making a lot of noise about 
missing phone support !
Thanks so much mapserver people.

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