LabelAngleItem question

Stéphane RIFF stephane.riff at CERENE.FR
Thu Mar 10 08:54:55 EST 2005

I don't understand how can i do it with mapscript
since the angle is set by mapserver with labelangleitem.
Do you mean i have to dynamically create all the point ???

Eric Bridger wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 04:23, Stéphane RIFF wrote:
>>My symbol is an arrow  ^  like this when angle is 0.0
>>When angle is 90.0 i get <   or i thought i get  a  > oriented symbol.
>>How can i tell mapserver to reverse the symbols without change database
>>records ???
>>Stéphane RIFF wrote:
>>>Another question :
>>>My symbol is an arrow  b   llike this when angle is 0.0
>>>When angle is 90.0 i get d   or i thought i get  a  a  oriented symbol.
>>>How can i tell mapserver to reverse the symbols without change database
>>>records ???
>>>Eric Bridger wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 10:57, Stéphane RIFF wrote:
>>>>>I want to orient symbols on map. So
>>>>>i create an annotation layer with a trueType symbols.
>>>>>My question is which value i have to insert in angle filed:
>>>>>  0 to 360 degres or -180 to 180 degres ???
>>>>0 to 360.
>I don't know of any way to do this via the mapfile. We use mapscript and
>have to use the negative of the angle. Seems to be a GD issue.
>If you are using a database how about "select -angle, ... "?

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