Application Data

Giridhar Manepalli gmanepal at GMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 17 17:41:24 EST 2005

Hello All,
I would like to appreciate Bart who is on the list for helping me get
in touch with some of the concepts of GIS and Mapserver.

I would like to know, if it is possible to convert data produced from
a third party application to a shapefile or PostGIS table.

Hypothetically speaking, the data from the third party application
will be in the following format.

SSN, Lat, Long, Age etc

Imagine that the above data is huge (as large as 100GB), so I need to
dump this information to a database.

I would like to know, how to use this data from a table to Map it onto
a MAPServer.

and process queries like:

*.)  How many people are at a given location

Although it looks like I am asking for too much, I am willing to study
this in detail. But, I just want to get the feel for GIS applications
in this direction and also to feel little ease while researching.

Thanks and Regards,
Giridhar Manepalli

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