Commercial/Large datasets MapServer/PostGIS sample sites

Camden Daily cdaily at GMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 17 10:58:38 EST 2005

Our Real Estate company in Chicago has started using mapserver to
display area maps and information for our properties.  A sample
property can be seen here:

If you click on the link 'Area Information' (or click here:
 ) you can see a map that we generate using PHP/Mapscript.  The
'Restaurant Guide' link is also created using mapscript functions.

So far, we're only generating static maps, mostly used for our
brochures and flyers.  However, we hope to be implementing map-based
property searches in the near future.  Mapserver has been quite
capable in all of the tasks we've been using it for, and the mailing
list has been a great source of help when troubleshooting problems.

Don't buy a commercial mapping software solution.  Save your money for the data!


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