LabelAngleItem question

Stéphane RIFF stephane.riff at CERENE.FR
Fri Mar 11 06:46:04 PST 2005

I want to show gps positions with orientation path.
I use mapscript 4.2.5 and postgis as datasource.
I don't think i can modify the datasource field because
another application use the same data and i don't have access to those

Eric Bridger wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 03:21, Stéphane RIFF wrote:
>>Can someone show me an example because
>>i don't know how to do it.
>>I can create dynamic layer but the problem
>>is how to set orientation for each points, i don't think
>>a class for each orientation is a good solution
>>but i don't see anything else.
>You are not providing enough details about what you are trying to do.
>Where are your points? Shapefile, PostGIS, etc.
>Are you using CGI Mapserver or Mapscript?
>If I understand correctly the only issue is that your angles need to be
>mulitplied by -1. The easiest way is to create a new column in your
>datasource which is negative of you existing angles. And use the new
>column as your LABELANGLEITEM.

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