MapScript binaries for c# / .NET

Mike Saunt mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 31 07:34:55 EST 2005

Hi All

This is my first message to the list - although I've been reading some
of the questions of late!

I'm in the process of building a set of c# .NET wrappers to talk to
MapServer and MapScript.  I've already built a small class that can
talk to the CGI Exceutable which seenms to work quite nicely.

Now the fun has begun - MapScript through .NET! (codenamed
dotNetMapScript by Morten Neilsen)

With the Help of Morten Nielsen (mn at I have now got the SWIG
C# code interface for MapScript.  I have one little problem - I don't
seem to have the MapScript.dll that is required.  I've downloaded a
lot of different binaries (MS4W, PHP/MapScript, Python/MapScript
Tcl/MapScript etc) and can't seem to find the elusive MapScript.dll

So I guess in summary can anyone help with the configuration issues
associated with building a SWIG interface to MapScript or simply be
able to point me to some compiled MapScript binaries for the Windows

Your help would be much appreciated.

Also I am planning on releasing all c# code and some examples that I
generate for the common good of all.

Many thanks

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