tileindexed layer crashing...

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Fri Mar 18 11:25:29 EST 2005

First, some nit-picking.  I presume you did something first to create a "data_dir.in" file, right?  And there's a space between xargs and "-n", correct?  The latter shouldn't make much difference.

Yea, there is a space between xargs and -n, i mistyped in the email.   The data_dir.in file was just a listing of all the tiger data files, created with  "find /homedir/tiger -name "*.shp" > data_dir.in".

Does your tiger-roads shapefile look OK?  Do the filesizes look plausible?  Can you view it in a GIS application (it's just a regular shapefile)?

The file sizes looked reasonable to me... but I don't really know how big they should be.   I don't have any other GIS applications atm, but I could try to download something to try to view the shapefile.    
  As a diagnostic step, I'd suggest changing TILEINDEX to DATA in your LAYER definition, and the TYPE to POLYGON.  The tile index is a polygon shapefile with a bunch of rectangles, each describing the bounding box of one input file.  Use this technique to see if the tile index file itself looks reasonable.  If it does, then your problem's likely to be with your TIGER data - otherwise, the TILEINDEX file needs fixing.

 I am not entirely sure what you mean here ... how to diagnose the tile index.   I actually thought I had to use TILEINDEX to view a shapefile created with this method.    If I can just use it like any other shapefile I probably don't even need to tile it... i'm not trying to do roads for the entire country or anything, though in theory the tiling is probably better.

When I first added the layer, my map was in a zoomed in state and it seemed ok... it was when I hit the "recenter" button and it tried to go back to view the entire area that it blew up.   Perhaps tiling isn't so good for that situation since i'm looking at the whole area anyway...


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