Mapscript PHP Error - failed to map segment from shared object

Dylan Keon at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 21 15:05:29 EST 2005

On 03/21/2005 11:49 AM, Troy R. Johnson wrote:
>From the command line things seem to work just fine.  I can do the following:
> /usr/local/bin/php phpinfo_mapscript.phtml > test.html
> and test.html shows that the MapScript is loaded.  Other test also seem to work from the command line.

>> Yes, my PHP extensions is set to /usr/lib/php4
>> which is where my has been copied to.
>> I know it is trying to load the file and having problems, because
>> if I remove the file I get a different error,
>> it complains that the file doesn't exist.
>> Any other ideas?

Doh!  I should have noticed you wrote that it works at the command line.

You said you're using FC3.  Do you have SELinux enabled?  Make sure that
isn't causing any weirdness...


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