Help with building python mapscript

Allan Hollander adh at ICE.UCDAVIS.EDU
Tue Mar 8 16:45:45 EST 2005


I'm trying to build python mapscript for mapserver 4.4.1 and it seems to
be unable to find the OGR library. This is on Debian Sarge. Here's the
error message when I run the test in mapscript/python/tests/cases:


% python -v
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in ?
    m = __import__(test)
line 39, in ?
    from testing import mapscript
line 59, in ?
    import mapscript
  File "../../build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/", line 4, in ?
    import _mapscript
ImportError: ../../build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/
undefinedsymbol: getExteriorRing__10OGRPolygon


I have built gdal-1.2.5 with ogr and have installed it to /usr/local. I
also have /usr/local/lib as an entry in my file and rehashed
the library database with ldconfig. So I don't understand why is failing to find the OGR symbol above.

If anyone can share thoughts about why I'm getting this problem is it
would be much appreciated.


Allan Hollander

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