image generation help please

Carl Burn burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK
Tue Mar 15 05:52:06 PST 2005

Hello All,

I have a mapping project completed in maplab which shows a base raster
layer with several  layers sourced from shapefiles. A last minute
request has been handed in and Iam just wondering if someone can help me
I now need to be able to generate a map image directly from mapserver, I
need to use a unique identifier and pull out a map image centered on
this item in a layer at a predetermined zoom factor. I think I can do
this using the cgi interface, as I will be able to use scripting to
generate the url request and each itme in the layer has a unique
identifier this should be possible but iam not sure of the query string
I need to use.
Any help much appreciated.



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