gdaltindex in DOS

Yar Doroshenko numerous at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 14 14:13:18 PST 2005


I need help on using gdaltindex command in DOS on my Windows machine.
I have 78 shape files for each county in the state of Oklahoma. I want
to make them load fast as I zoom into a specific portion of the map.
I used these instructions

But, I can't seem to get it working.

All of my shape files are in
C:\its\Apache2\htdocs\statewide\shape_files\tile  folder
My gdaltindex utility is in C:\its\GDAL\125\bin  folder

My first question is - What's the difference between "tileindex shape
file" and "shptree index" ? I can see that I need to first create
tileindex shape file and only then shptree index.

I tried the following command:
for %f in (C:\its\Apache2\htdocs\statewide\shape_files\tile*.shp) do
gdaltindex index.shp %f  - I found this comand on the forum.

I didn't get any eror messages, but at the same time my shape files
did not change and no new files were created.

Could anyone please tell me what are the steps and syntaxis that I
should use to create tileindex in DOS environment?

I really appreciate your help!!!

Feel free to email numerous at

Thank you!

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