Mapserver and ECW SDK license

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Wed Mar 16 04:51:08 EST 2005

Hi list,

I have some confusion wether or not we are allowed to use ECW (through
GDAL) in Mapserver right now.

I was re-checking the license agreement for ECW SDK 2.X versions, and also
in that agreement is a paragraph stating "For conditions, requirements and
fees associated with redistribution, installation or use in "Server
Products" or "SDK Products" contact Earth Resource Mapping.".

I thought the problems with using ECW in Mapserver had arisen because of a
change in the license agreement with ECW SDK 3.X.

What is the current state of affairs? Can we serve ECW images with
Mapserver using:

1) ECW SDK 2.X, yes or no?
2) ECW SDK 3.X, yes or no?

Thanks in advance for any clarification.

Best regards,

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