solaris bug

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Mon May 2 08:46:56 PDT 2005

This was from September 2004, and all I have to go by
is what leftovers are still in my Sent folder.

Ultimately, looking back at it, Don *did* get it to
work, by experimenting with versions. He used GEOS
2.0.0 and PostGIS 0.9.0 This was under SPARC Solaris

Also, we had many compile problems (apparently
configure issues) with GDAL 1.2.x and GEOS 2.1.x under
SPARC Solaris.

Any or all of these issues may have been corrected by
now. If anyone is using GDAL, PostGIS, etc. on
Solaris, I'd love to hear what versions you're using
and how easy/difficult it was.

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