solaris bug

Andrew Seales andrew.seales at ED.AC.UK
Tue May 3 01:42:11 PDT 2005

We have been successful installing GEOS 2.1.1, Postgres-8.0.1 and Postgis
1.0RC6 on Solaris 8. We initially tried to use Sun's own compiler and
linker, but this proved to be very problematic. We then tried GCC and the
Solaris linker but this still caused problems since the Solaris linker
doesn't support some of the library symbol export functions that the GNU
linker does. Once we were using both GCC and the GNU linker then it became
very easy to install. When compiling postgres, one thing we did was to
specify the environment variable LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ when running the configure
script as specified in the Postgis documentation.


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